日本小児がん研究グループ(Japan Children’s Cancer Group,(JCCG))は、2014年12月にNPO法人として設立されたオールジャパンに立脚する小児がんの臨床研究グループです。JCCGには日本で小児がん治療・研究を専門とするほぼ全ての大学病院、小児病院(小児がん拠点病院、中央機関を含む)、総合病院(小児血液・がん専門研修施設)が200以上参加し、倫理性、科学性を重視した臨床研究を実施しています。 日本での小児がんの発生数は年間2500例前後と考えられますが、その一方で種類が多く、専門家が少ないという困難性を含んでいます。
What is JCCG?
Japan Children’s Cancer Group (JCCG) is a clinical research group for childhood cancer, established as an NPO corporation in December 2014. JCCG comprises nearly 200 institutions capturing almost all hospitals specializing in pediatric cancer treatment in Japan including university hospitals, local and central children’s hospitals, and general hospitals (those with training facilities in pediatric hematology and cancer). JCCG is engaged in a broad range of high caliber clinical research that prioritizes clinically meaningful output while abiding by strong ethical standards.
Childhood cancers are rare with about 2,500 diagnoses made in Japan each year. Together with representing a diverse range of clinical manifestations and etiologies, ensuring the availability of appropriate specialist expertise can be challenging.
In order to cope with this situation while maintaining the best possible childhood cancer treatment protocols, experts from relevant fields are identified and contribute to a centralized system for diagnostics and development of advanced state of the art therapies. This is a common mission we all share and can be achieved by the public funding.